A nice little write up about DJ Neil Hardingham’s Disco Fever lockdown shows in the Dereham Times and EDP 24 today. It’s amazing to think that we have being doing a LIVE show almost every day for the last 45 days, with over 50,000 viewers and raising over £1500 to date for the British Heart Foundation!
We would like to thank all of our viewers and sponsors for supporting the shows and for donating to a cause very close to our hearts. To date we have had 24 companies sponsor the shows, 4 virtual birthday parties, a virtual hen do, 80s night, vinyl night and 2 big parties to thank all of the NHS, voluntary and key workers. Plus a whole host of homemade costumes and props to fit the themes! We hope you’ve all been having as much fun watching as we have had doing the shows.
Read the article here: Meet Neil Hardingham the Dereham DJ spreading cheer with virtual discos | Dereham Times